Khadaan is a Bengali-language action thriller film released in theaters on December 20, 2024. The film is directed by Soojit Rino Dutta, with dialogues and screenplay written by Biswarup Biswas and Soojit Rino Dutta. It is produced by Nispal Singh and Dev under the banners of Surinder Films and Dev Entertainment Ventures. The film has a runtime of 137 minutes and 11 seconds. The music is composed by Rathijit Bhattacharya, Savvy, and Nilayan Chatterjee. The principal photography was conducted in Kolkata, Asansol, Durgapur, and Raniganj.
Khadaan Cast
The film stars Dev, Jisshu Sengupta, Barkha Bisht, Idhika Paul, and Anirban Chakrabarti in lead roles, delivering remarkable performances. Idhika Paul, Anirban Chakrabarti, and Sneha Bose played supporting roles. John Bhattacharya and Sujan Neel Mukherjee also contributed to these roles. Parthasarathi Chakraborty and Sumit Ganguly completed the ensemble.
Khadaan Story
The story revolves around Shyam, who comes to India from Bangladesh in 1997 and befriends Mohan. Their friendship, power struggle, and betrayal form the crux of the narrative. Shyam becomes a savior for the poor laborers but dies mysteriously in prison. In 2024, his son Madhu stands against Mohan to reclaim his father’s empire and seek justice.
Khadaan Budget
The budget of the movie is approximately ₹6 crores.
Khadaan Box Office Collection
The film had a promising start at the box office, with a total collection of ₹2.60 crores so far, a significant milestone for a Bengali film. It is expected to do even better in the coming days.
1st Day: ₹70 lakhs
2nd Day: ₹60 lakhs
3rd day: ₹80 lakhs (estimated)
4th day: ₹50 lakhs(estimated)
Total Collection: ₹2.60 crores