Bioscope is a Tamil-language comedy-drama film that was released in theaters on January 3, 2025. The film is directed by Sankagiri Rajkumar and produced by Chandra Sooriyan, Prabhu, and Periyasamy. The music for the film is composed by Taj Noor, with cinematography handled by Murali Ganesh. The film falls under the comedy-drama genre and has been awarded a U/A certificate by the censor board. The runtime of the movie is 1 hour and 53 minutes.
Bioscope Plot
The story of Bioscope revolves around a group of simple villagers with no prior filmmaking experience. These villagers come together to attempt making a film called Vengayam. The film is presented as a meta-documentary, and its unique story is sure to captivate audiences. All the actors have performed well, and the film has received a mixed response from viewers.
Bioscope Cast
The movie features talented actors in its cast. Sankagiri Rajkumar plays the lead role, while other notable actors like Sathyaraj, Cheran, Manickam, and Vellayammal have delivered commendable performances.
Bioscope Budget
The estimated budget of the film is ₹1 crore.
Bioscope Box Office Collection Day 1
On its opening day, the film earned ₹12 lakhs.