Fussclass Dabhade is an upcoming Marathi drama Film. This film is written and directed by Hemant Dhome and produced by Bhushan Kumar, Krishan Kumar, Aanand L. Rai and Kshitee Jog under the banners of T-Series, Colour Yellow Productions and Chalchitra Mandalee.Talking about the performance of the actors, they have played their roles very well
Fussclass Dabhade Plot
Talking about the storyline of the film, the Dabhade family gathers for a grand wedding filled with happiness, laughter and lively celebrations. During the festivities, old feuds resurface, emotions run high and hearts are broken. Yet, amid all this, they are reminded of the unbreakable bond that holds the family together.
Fussclass Dabhade Cast
Amey Wagh
Siddharth Chandekar
Kshitee Jog
Nivedita Saraf
Fussclass Dabhade Music
The music in the film is given by Amitraj. The music of this film is very good, emotional and powerful.
Fussclass Dabhade Budget
The estimated budget of the Film is 5 Crore
Fussclass Dabhade Box Office Collection
Day | Collection (₹ Cr) |
Day 1 | ₹ 0. 30 C |
Day 2 | ₹ 0.47 Cr |
Day 3 | ₹ 0.60 Cr |
Day 4 | ₹ 0.30 Cr |
Day 5 | ₹ 0.10 Cr |
Day 6 | ₹ 0.20 Cr |
Day 7 | ₹ 0.10 Cr ( Estimeted) |
Total | 1.87 Cr (estimeted) |