Vanangaan is a Tamil-language action drama film written, co-produced, and directed by Bala. The movie is produced under the banner of B Studios, with co-production by Suresh Kamatchi under V House Productions. Initially, the film featured Suriya in the lead role, but due to changes in the storyline, the cast was revised.
Vanangaan Star Cast
- Arun Vijay
- Roshni Prakash
- P. Samuthirakani – as R. Kathiravan I.P.S., Superintendent of Police
- John Vijay
- Mysskin
- Radha Ravi
- Chhaya Devi
- Bala Shivaji
- Shanmugarajan
- Singampuli
- Yohan Chacko
- Ravi Mariya
- Aruldoss
- Munish Sivagurunath
Vanangaan Plot
Arun Vijay plays the lead role, and the storyline touches upon themes like family bonds, love, and justice. P. Samuthirakani’s character as a police officer adds thrilling elements of action and investigative drama. The trailer suggests that Arun Vijay’s character might have committed the murders in the plot. The truth, nonetheless, unfolds only upon watching the movie.
Vanangaan Budget
The estimated budget for the film is ₹50 crores. A significant amount has also been spent on promotions, ensuring wide visibility for the film.
Vanangaan Box Office Collection
Day | Collection (in Crores) |
Day 1 | 0.50 |
Day 2 | 0.60 (estimeted) |
Day 3 | – |
Day 4 | – |
Day 5 | – |
Day 6 | – |
Day 7 | – |