Ek Radha Ek Meera is an upcoming Romantic drama directed by Mahesh Manjrekar and Written by Kiran Yadnopavit. The film is Produced by Avinashkumar Prabhakar Ahaley under the banner of Ahalay’s Movie Magic. The film is scheduled for release on February 7, 2025. Talking about the performance of the actors, they have played their roles very well.
Ek Radha Ek Meera Plot
Talking about the plot of the film, its story is a musical love story of two women named Radha and Meera. The story explores the themes of love, renunciation and self-sacrifice. It highlights the strong emotional and spiritual bond between the two characters.
Ek Radha Ek Meera Cast
Gashmeer Mahajani
Mrunmayee Deshpande
Surbhi Bhosale
Mahesh Manjrekar
Medha Manjrekar
Sandeep Pathak
Aroh Welankar
Ek Radha Ek Meera Budget
The estimated budget of the film is 5 Crore.
Ek Radha Ek Meera Music
The music of the film is composed by Vishal Mishra, and famous singers like Sonu Nigam, Shalmali Kholgade, and Sukhwinder Singh have lent their voices to it. The songs of this film are also getting a lot of love from the audience.