Laila is an upcoming Telugu-language action comedy film. This film is written by Vasudeva Murthy and directed by Ram Narayan and produced by Sahu Garapati under Shine Screen. The film is scheduled for release on 14 February 2025. Talking about the performance of the actors, they have played their roles very well.
Laila Plot
Talking about the storyline of the film, its story revolves around a person who is playing a dual role in this film, as a male model Sonu and a female character Laila. This is the first time that Vishwak Sen will be seen as a woman in a film, which is attracting the audience more.
Laila Cast
Vishwak Sen
Akanksha Sharma
Vennela Kishore
Ravi Mariya
Laila Music
The music in the film is given by Leon James Which is famous for its passionate and melodious tunes, the songs of the film are full of romance, humor and thrill. The audience is going to enjoy watching it.
Laila Budget
The estimated budget of the Film is 20 Crore