Mukkam Post Devach Ghar is an upcoming Indian Marathi-language drama film. This film is written by Sanket Mane, Sumit Giri and directed by Sanket Mane and Edited by Dinesh Pujari. This film is Produced by Maahesh Kumar Jaiswal and Kirti Jaiswal under Keemaya Productions
Swaroup Studioss LLP. The film is scheduled for release on 31 January 2025. Talking about the performance of the actors, they have played their roles very well.
Mukkam Post Devach Ghar Plot
Talking about the plot of the film, its story is about a little girl from a village. Her mother tells her that her father, who works in the army, has now gone to “Devghar” i.e. God’s house. Hearing this, a question arises in the girl’s mind, “Where is God’s house?” She sets out to find the answer to this question.
Meanwhile, her mother struggles to get her martyred husband’s pension. The story of the film is shown in an emotional but simple and entertaining way. Now whether that girl will get the answer to her question, you will know only after watching the movie.
Mukkam Post Devach Ghar Cast
Myra Vaikul
Spruha Parab
Kalyani Mulye
Mangesh Desai
Usha Nadkarni
Madhavi Juvekar
Prathamesh Parab
Savita Malpekar
Resham Shrivardhan
Kamlesh Sawant
Rukmini Sutar
Mukkam Post Devach Ghar Budget
The estimated budget of the film is 10 Crore
Mukkam Post Devach Ghar Music
The music in the film is given by Chinar – Mahesh. A song from the film “Sundar Parivaani” has been released recently. The music of the film beautifully presents the emotions of children and their world, which is being liked by the people. The lyrics of this song are written by Mangesh Kangane and it is sung by Swara Bansode. Apart from this, not much information has been revealed about the music yet.